reinholdk wrote: 
> I have exactly the same LMS server info and I'm at Win10 v1903, but the
> 8dot3name info looks interesting: it's enabled for my disk!

OK - so that was the clue I needed.  This thread describes what seems to
be the same problem as I have:

This lists two possible workarounds:

The first and probably most sensible is to enable "8dot3name" for the
volume.  You can do that using the "fsutil" command and it probably
makes sense for most people.  I haven't tried it but that thread
strongly suggests that will work.

More interesting to me, however, was the option to set the Windows
locale to UTF-8.  This is an experimental feature in Windows 10 since
1803 and although it was originally quite buggy, it seems to be getting
better.  So I'm giving that a try.  For anyone else who wants to go down
this route, these are the steps:

- *Change your Logitech Media Server service to start with the UTF-8
  charset*.  To do this, start "regedit" and navigate to this key   
     and append " --charset=utf8" to the value.  You need a space before
  the hyphens, of course.
- *Change Windows to the UTF-8 locale*.  To do this go to the Control
  Panel > "Change date, time or number formats" > Administrative tab and
  then the "Change system locale ..." button.  In there you check the
  "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support" box and press
-  *Cross your fingers and reboot*.

Bear in mind that this does carry some risk of interfering with the
operation of other older programs you might be running.

Hope this helps someone!

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