Thank you to all for the quality feedback.

Thank you Greg for reminding me that Squeezelite can be disabled. I
haven't thought about that. Presumably then the 'player' doesn't exist
and doesn't show up in the list of players - which is what I want.

About the UPS, some of us might feel we can just go in and fix a
problem, if it shows up, but I much prefer no problems at all, hence the
UPS. My feel for the USB based power supply to RPis is that they're a
bit sensitive to connection failure. The trick is to shut down LMS
nicely, but again without experience I am just assuming this is easily
implemented with a script - most UPS's communicate over the I2C port. It
will require a small (tiny) hack.

Technically one wouldn't need a shutdown button, since pulling the plug
will trigger the UPS to execute a soft shutdown... but if the UPS comes
with a button, I'd accept and drill a hole in the case for it.

I agree one could just keep the music collection on a NAS, but I also
like the idea that with the server (with storage) and the player, one
can bring these two devices to other places (family and friends,
vacation homes, Hi-Fi show rooms). Just plug the devices in and connect
over a simple network (a switch should do).

I like the idea of two USB-pens and one of them as failover ... I guess
this is the only part, which isn't straightforward in the current
piCorePlayer-based server.

Is there any way to manage your music collection on piCore'Server' ... ?
... I'm thinking about something user friendly, maybe GUI based?

Best regards,

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