bpa wrote: 
> PlayHLS V2.8  - Fix for many LMS systems, where after a rescan of
> playlist or clear and rescan database - m3u playlists would be empty.
> The m3u playlists on file were still OK just the LMS scan had failed.

Have just found this thread...
I've had this problem on Windows 10 with LMS8 for several months and
tried all sorts of things to repopulate my playlists but without any

Stopped LMS, put the modified install.xml and IMPORTER.pm into PlayHLS
plugin folder, restarted LMS then carried out a clear and rescan. None
of my playlists repopulated.

Uninstalled the PlayHLS plugin, carried out a clear and rescan and all
the playlists were repopulated. 

My Windows 10 install has no access to PlayHLS v2.8, only PlayHLS v2.7 -
so I'm having to run without PlayHLS.

Is PlayHLS v2.8 not available for Windows 10 or am I missing something?

2 x Touch
2 x Radio
2 x Boom
1 x Intel-NUC server/squeezelite running LMS 7.92 (from nightlies) on
Windows 10
1 X Odroid-XU4 server/squeezelite running LMS 7.91 on Ubuntu 16.04
1 x iMac server running macos Hich Sierra
WaveIO USB into Lavry DA-10 DAC
Starfish Pre-amp : Based on NAIM NAC 72
Heavily modified NAIM NAP 250 Power-amp
Behringer DEQ2496
Linn Isobarik DMS
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