Hi All
Thanks for all the work you guys are doing on our favourite music

I have been testing podcast playback with the new version [Version:
8.2.0 - 1619381438 @ Sun Apr 25 23:10:02 WEDT 2021] and hope this may be
of help..
I did find that the earlier version of LMS along with the "reliable"
plug-in did playback the whole podcast perfectly well. But having now
updated the server version I find it necessary to use the cache setting
to be able to playback the whole podcast. 1 hr 3 mins

I started playback of this podcast from the beginning 6 times [3x
persistant, 2x normal, 1x cached]
Only the "cached" attempt played the complete podcast without any hitch.

The other 5 all stopped at around 31 minute mark.

So if I am to continue to use the cached method/setting, will the cached
files be deleted after some time automatically or is it necessary to
have a regular clear-out session? If so, what location is used for this
cache on win10?

cheers CD
and thanks again guys.

|Filename: LMS.kermode.mayo.podcast.link small.jpg                  |
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=34603|

doobre's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=66910
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=114388

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