RobbH wrote: 
> Jim, have you cleared the playlist/queue on EVERY player in your system,
> including any group players? If not, that might be worth a try. (Not
> that I'm holding out a lot of hope...)

yes, thanks, tried it again, no go, but I ran into another oddity

I went through my list of players and cleared the queue, but was unaware
that two of the problem children were "on" (soft power on). All queue's
cleared, restart LMS, and in the problem player queue appeared two radio
paradise genres Main and Rock. They hadn't been in there. I cleared the
queue gain, restarted LMS, they reappeared again. Noticed power was on,
turned it off, then cleared queue, restarted LMS, queue remained empty.

Again, this is not a non working system that I have to fix, more of a
very elaborate puzzle I need to solve. I enjoy it in a way. The victory
will be sweet, unless it's something real dumb, I am just hoping it's
not user error :o


PS - I am recalling the details of how this mess evolved. I had all 4 RP
FLAC non interactives in the queue, switching back and forth, and I
noticed that the playing stream's "now playing" was frozen on a song
played 1/2 hour before, and it might not have even been the currently
playing stream (e.g. most black sabbath is not in mellow mix). I then
went through all sorts of gyrations trying to get now playing fixed, and
ended up here.

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