It's great that you are able to take a rational approach to this, Jim.
It IS an intriguing puzzle, and viewing it as such puts you at an
advantage. If it were my system, I would probably be in a panic to get a
non-essential feature working again. Since it's not my system, I can
view your issue as a puzzle, too. And that's the sense in which I keep
offering my suggestions: not as desperation measures, but as tools that
might turn up something interesting or useful.

I have found a few times that when seemingly unexplainable things
happened with LMS, plugins were the source of the problem. Some plugin
was trying to use obsolete data and confusing the entire system by it,
to put it in non-techno speak. One thing I've found useful is to search
the plugins folders for any references that might be connected to the
problem. In this case, I would ssh into pCP, go to the plugins directory
and run this command:

    grep -ir paradise *

That should do a recursive, case-insensitive search through all files in
the current directory and any subdirectories for any reference to

I don't run LMS on pCP, so I can't test this entirely. But I did ssh
into a player-only installation of pCP and the grep command seemed to be
capable of the job.

Good luck and happy hunting!

LMS 8 nightly running on Raspberry Pi OS. Mostly virtual players,
occasionally with SB Radio, Boom or Classic.
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