tor 2008-02-14 klockan 09:09 -0700 skrev Alex Rousskov:
>         1) Expose Squid internals: Publish/install Squid headers and
>         libraries to give direct access to Squid resources. This
>         approach will most likely require installing pretty much all
>         headers because the module may need to use many Squid services
>         (e.g., DNS lookups) and because of the dependencies between
>         Squid headers.

Don't expose much of the internals. A lot is going to need changes when
we start the performance redesign of the internal core.

The following will certainly change:

  - HTTP message representation
  - HTTP message referencing
  - Object data access

The needs of eCAP is fairly limited. Focus on that and provide an
interface for that only. Let it grow over time, but avoid dependencies
on the internal APIs and structs unless absolutely needed.

This should be published as a set of header files defining the API
between an eCAP module and Squid, and possibly a small library of
helper/support code of use to eCAP modules only.


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