mån 2008-12-01 klockan 09:40 -0500 skrev Adrian Chadd:

> Hm, thats kind of interesting actually. Whats it displacing from the
> cache? Is the drop of hit ratio due to the removal of other cachable
> large objects, or other cachable small objects? Is it -just- flash
> video thats exhibiting this behaviour?

The studied cache is using LRU, and these flash videos effectively
reduce the cache size by filling the cache with large and never to be
referenced again objects.

> Are you able to put up some examples and statistics?

I'll try.

>  I really think
> the right thing to do here is look at what various sites are doing and
> try to open a dialogue with them. Chances are they don't really know
> exactly how to (ab)use HTTP to get the semantics they want whilst
> retaining control over their content.

Probably true. Based on the URLs styles there seem to only be two or
three of these "authentication/session" schemes.


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