tis 2008-12-02 klockan 12:35 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries:

> A global blockade is a little harsh when it's only a few offenders.
> If we can locate a pattern to match just these sites while any dialog is
> going on I'd be happy to support a reversal for just them. That would keep
> most of the main bandwidth gains from doing it in the first place.

In the analyzed cache there were no identified query objects > 10 MB
without session identifiers in the query parameters.

These objects came from a wide range of sites. With some being more
prominent than others.

The majority were flash videos. But not all. There was also software
downloads, and some other data.

Among the flash video sites, there were about 3 different styles in how
the query parameters were encoded, suggesting that there is about as
many providers of the software used, or may be related to CDN networks
(not sure as it's "impossible" to tell from URL alone).


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