> mån 2008-12-01 klockan 09:40 -0500 skrev Adrian Chadd:
>> Hm, thats kind of interesting actually. Whats it displacing from the
>> cache? Is the drop of hit ratio due to the removal of other cachable
>> large objects, or other cachable small objects? Is it -just- flash
>> video thats exhibiting this behaviour?
> The studied cache is using LRU, and these flash videos effectively
> reduce the cache size by filling the cache with large and never to be
> referenced again objects.
>> Are you able to put up some examples and statistics?
> I'll try.
>>  I really think
>> the right thing to do here is look at what various sites are doing and
>> try to open a dialogue with them. Chances are they don't really know
>> exactly how to (ab)use HTTP to get the semantics they want whilst
>> retaining control over their content.
> Probably true. Based on the URLs styles there seem to only be two or
> three of these "authentication/session" schemes.
> Regards
> Henrik

A global blockade is a little harsh when it's only a few offenders.
If we can locate a pattern to match just these sites while any dialog is
going on I'd be happy to support a reversal for just them. That would keep
most of the main bandwidth gains from doing it in the first place.


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