so you are saying that the commerical sftp2 can connect to openssh and
transfer files, while scp2 fails?

both work for me. both scp2 and sftp2 from
use the sftp protocol and openssh's sftp-server implements
this protocol.


On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 12:39:44PM -0400, Bryan Hodgson wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 05:08:58PM +0200, Markus Friedl wrote:
> > > SSH 2.0.12 scp2 wont talk to OpenSSH scp
> > 
> > scp2 can talk to openssh if you enable sftp-server in your sshd_config
> > 
> > Subsystem       sftp            /path/to/sftp-server
> Marcus ... 
> Thanks.  That line is present in my config.  And, in fact, scp2 works,
> after a fashion.  My problem is that it falls back to protocol 1 in
> order to do so.  And I have not been able to work around the problem,
> including trying various options (e.g. -o "Protocol 2").
> sftp does appear (from the debug output) to talk Protocol 2 successfully,
> but using sftp would require adjusting various other processes.
> Bryan

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