On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 11:16 AM, Pavel Březina <pbrez...@redhat.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> It took me a lot longer than I expected but here it is at last. This is my
> set of scripts that use vagrant and Ansible to automatically provision
> virtual environment that I use to develop and test SSSD.
> To create this environment you only need to run one command:
> $ ./setup.sh
> and after a while you have several machines provisioned and ready. This
> machines include LDAP, IPA and AD servers with one machine dedicated to
> SSSD. This machine is already enrolled to those servers.
> To start building and/or testing SSSD with all available providers, you can
> just run:
> $ vagrant ssh client
> Additionally, it allows you to automatically source your set of scripts on
> each login and access IPA web-ui from your browser.
> I tried to make the provisioning as fast as possible but it still takes
> approximately one hour on my machine. So be patient.
> Any ideas and patches for improvements are welcomed.
> The source is available at:
> https://github.com/pbrezina/sssd-test-suite

Okay, I've found some small issues related to the readme and some few
annoyances while trying to run the scripts.

For the former, I'll open some PRs. For the latter, it's worth to
discuss what's your preference/understand better the requirements:

1) Why do have to run the script as root? AFAIU there's some way to
escalate privileges when running an Ansible script (example, running
sudo whenever it's needed). Is that something desired?

2) Restarting NetworkManager is quite intrusive, mainly without any
kind of warning.

3) Why do we need Vagrant 2.0 as the minimum version?

4) The guide was written for Fedora systems ... what's the reason to
choose Fedora over CentOS?

It will take a long time to download all the vagrant images, but I'll
get back here with the feedback as soon as this process is over.

Amazing initiative! Thanks a lot, Pavel!

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