On Thu Feb 14 08:55:29 2008, biojab biojab wrote:

Indeed - I think their reasoning is flawed, and their solution will likely be broken.

I commented on this (and inadvertantly duplicated many of Fabio Forno's observations, as well as Alex Gnauck's) in my blog, but the thing that surprises and disappoints me most is the complete surprise this represents to those of us who are involved in open standards, and were under the impression that Google cared about them too. I think in the medium term this is likely to blow up in their faces.

I'm aware that there are several mobile client developers present - if there's any good to be found here, a concrete proposal for mobile XMPP would be an excellent step forward. I'm assuming that XEP-0138, XEP-0198, and probably some sort of roster optimization would all be useful, for example, but best practises for servers aiming to optimize for mobile clients (perhaps by buffering the initial presence surge to gain better compression, for example) would be useful too.

Dave Cridland - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] - xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 - acap://acap.dave.cridland.net/byowner/user/dwd/bookmarks/
 - http://dave.cridland.net/
Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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