I've noticed that a large well-funded group have been attending a number of
conferences and making unfortunately ill-informed statements about XMPP, in
favour of their own solution in a number of spaces in which we overlap.

In conformity with Napoleon's suggestion that one should never attribute to
malice that which can adequately be explained by incompetence, I have tried
to address these statements directly, but sadly while representatives of
the organization were willing to agree they would correct their website,
they have remained too incompetent to do so.

This is terribly unfortunate, and so to help address this I knocked up some
answers to specific "myths" on a Wiki page, intended (by me) as a draft
blog post (but it could just as well stay on the Wiki, get reused as
website content, or whatever).

It's here: http://wiki.xmpp.org/web/index.php?title=Myths

Suggestions and corrections would be very much welcome; feel free to either
edit directly, or (possibly preferable) discuss in the XSF chatroom at



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