On 05.11.2017 19:21, Ruslan N. Marchenko wrote:

On 16.10.2017 20:38, Jonas Wielicki (XSF Editor) wrote:
5. Is the specification accurate and clearly written?
The first thing I stumbled upon while starting drafting implementation is - empty result.
Or perhaps even <item-not-found/>?

Some more questions:
XEP states at 6.1.1
> 'roster' - messages are archived only if the contact's bare JID is in the user's roster. shouldn't it say instead - if contact's bare JID is in the user's roster with 'from' or 'both' subscription. Or perhaps - for incoming messages should be at least 'to' and for outgoing - 'from'?

Should we consider full run against both always and never to find most-specific match or we just do first-hit and ignore the rest? The former sounds more plausible to me as it allows fine-tuning with blocking a specific resource or in opposite - archive only a specific resource.
On the other hand later is more simplistic for implementation.

Then - what is the order of comparison? I.e. if (for some unknown reason) jid is present in both always and never lists with identical precision?

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