On 18.11.2017 17:14, Philipp Hörist wrote:
Why would a server allow that if it has no use case and leads to problems?

When a client sets the preferences the server replies with the full pref list, this gives the server the possibility to refuse some entries.

The XEP also states

note that due to server policies these MAY be different to the preferences sent by the client

we could blow this whole pref thing up with defining errors for all kind of things that may happen, but as it was suggested already, prefs should be excluded from the xep and put into its own xep.

That's fine, however XEP still should specify default archiving rules, at least _recommended_. Like - store everything, store nothing, store by roster, etc. Since MAM is not negotiable there's no option for user to opt-out except prefs. So I'd be strongly against default store-everything.
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