On Donnerstag, 18. Januar 2018 09:54:45 CET Sam Whited wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018, at 02:28, Dave Cridland wrote:
> > 5) https://github.com/xsf/xeps/pull/554
> -1
> Recommending that clients also have to implement legacy technologies by
> looking at an old version of the XEP feels poor to me.

I agree (emphasis on the "by looking at an old version of the XEP"), therefore 
I made an argument at some point that the change to 48 which made it use PEP 
should be reverted. That was refused, IIRC.

> Let's move forward
> instead of making more work for clients and keeping iq:private around
> longer.

While I agree that iq:private is hard to get right in the bookmarks case, this 
suggestion is simply not close to reality right now, and probably won’t be 
until '18 is over.

Anyone coming new to this will be bitten badly by this, by either not getting 
the bookmarks or accidentally publishing bookmarks for everyone to read or 
something like that. I wouldn’t consider PEP to be stable enough (see recent 
PubSub changes) to not expect that.

kind regards,

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