I have considered this issue previously and concluded that, while there appears 
to be no technical reason to disallow correcting older messages, (some) current 
implementations only support correction of the last message (in line with this 

Maybe Kev can shed some light on why this limitation was added (?)

As the XEP is in Draft and has been widely implemented, it's probably not a 
good idea to just remove it from the XEP; as a result of:
> "The 'id' attribute is included on the replace to prevent situations where 
> messages being routed to a different resource than the intended cause 
> incorrect replacements."
a receiving client would assume the message id that it can't find must have 
gone to a different resource and so will ignore the correction.

I think a fix would preferably have a new namespace, and so it's probably best 
to just create "(Recent) Message Correction" as a new XEP, even though it would 
be near identical to 0308. And I'd take the opportunity to tighten the business 
rules and add deletion too (functionally, replacing the message with "This 
message was deleted.", but semantically different from literally replacing the 
message with that text.)

I don't mind writing this up, if there are no objections (?)

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