
Am Mo., 30. Dez. 2019 um 17:57 Uhr schrieb Dave Cridland <d...@cridland.net

> That specification isn't linked from XEP-0384 at all, so how are we
> supposed to be able to tell it affects OMEMO?

You can't, and the XEP does not mandate any specific implementation or
protocol version of the non-standard SignalProtocol. The XEP says

> The signal protocol currently only exists in GPLv3-licensed
implementations maintained by OpenWhisperSystems.

So it means, you use the libraries OpenWhisperSystems currently offers and
if you want to know what they do you read the docs on their page.

I know this is not a beautiful thing in Standards world, but that's what it
is at the moment.

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