On 3/9/21 9:11 PM, Jonas Schäfer (XSF Editor) wrote:
The XMPP Extensions Editor has received a proposal for a new XEP.

Title: Content Rating Labels
This specification provides a wire format in the form of a Service
Discovery extension to allow services of various kinds to publish
information about the kind of content they allow and/or endorse on
their platform.

URL: https://xmpp.org/extensions/inbox/content-ratings.html

Thanks for the ProtoXEP submission.

FWIW I find it strange that we put a ProtoXEP up for a vote that has not filled all required sections. I know we have been lax about this regarding the "XML Schema" section of experimental XEPs, and I think this is perfectly fine and understandable. But I like to see every ProtoXEP have a filled-out "Security Considerations" section, as this demonstrates that the authors have, at least briefly, thought about security. XEP-0001 § 12 has some good advice on that section.

For the "IANA Considerations" sections, it is often enough to write

  This document requires no interaction with the Internet Assigned
  Numbers Authority (IANA)

if applicable.

And even though the XSF registrar position appears to be more or less vacant at the moment, it would be nice to have the according namespace and FORM_FIELD registration in the "XMPP Registrar Considerations" section.

- Florian

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