On Wed, 21 Dec 2022, 15:05 Florian Schmaus, <f...@geekplace.eu> wrote:

>  Zash's proposal is, as far as I understand it, just an optimization
> allowing a sending entity to determine if a stanza will hit the limit or
> not, without trying to actually send it.

It is and it isn't. Right now, if a stanza is over the limit then most
implementations will close the connection with a stream error. Not closing
the connection is non-trivial for implementations if they want to avoid DoS
and use a standard parser.

For this reason, we already have in the wild some s2s links being closed
and re-established frequently due to a handful of people with oversized

With this XEP, the a server can return a stanza error to the sender and not
break the s2s stream.

Path "MTU" discovery has been discussed in the past. However it has limited
utility in practice for most use cases. The MTU of a MUC could vary every
time someone joins from a new server, for example. I'm not against
something like this (though I don't think caps would be a good place for

You're right that, in general, the safest thing to do is abide by the
minimum limits whenever possible, and handle failure gracefully for
exceptional things.

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