Struts is MUCH more productive, and I would be glad to show you, how using Struts with OO, you can code circles around.
(I also offer the training w/ money back- excuse the sales talk) I just want to show you that most of my clients choose J2EE over .NET because it is more productive and more scalable.


Davidson, Glenn wrote:
I tend to agree with your assessment of JavaPro but I'd like to open this up
a little. Right now we are faced with two choices for web development .Net
or not .Net. I can over-simplify the arguments for and against .Net as the

..NET Pluses
Developer Productivity
Vendor lock in.

Others (including Struts)
Pluses No vendor lock in
Less developer Productivity

It seems like many if not most companies are more interested in developer

Does anyone know of, or foresee any means by which we (developers) will be
able to be as productive using Struts/JSP/DHTML/JavaScript etc. as people
are using .Net? I'd love to be able to make a case against .Net .



-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Gerrard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 12:07 PM
Subject: Stuts can't "get its act together" - JavaPro

I found this announcement today on JavaPro's August Issue online "In Brief" site:

The blurb:
Developer Tools
Tired of waiting for The Apache Group to get its act together with the Struts initiative, Virtuas has launched a framework of its own. Virtuas released TurboM2 previously under the name Web Application Model (WAM). Since then, the company decided to alter the product to perform many of the features Struts offers, and like Struts will be released under the open source model.

There's more, but on casual inspection it appears that JavaPro has simply regurgitated some marketing poo from Virtuas intended to convey the impression that Struts is in a funk and not moving forward. (so one should naturally move to Virtuas' TurboM2 product)

Upon casual inspection it appears that TurboM2 is a fairly direct clone of Struts. On of Virtuas' value-added claims is that TurboM2 has available support and training that Struts does not.

Virtuas TurboM2:
Struts/TurboM2 comparison:

The part that disturbs me is JavaPro's presenting this whole pile as if it were truth. Someone reading this article could well be persuaded that yes, indeed, Struts is in trouble and they should look elsewhere. I've been less than impressed with JavaPro's content for some time, and this erodes my confidence in their editorial control and knowledge of the Java world even further.

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