"David Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> --- Ted Husted <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > There are 18 non-enhancement tickets in Bugzilla.
> >
> >
> >
> Many of these are nested and Tiles related and I don't think those should
> block a release.

I disagree. Tiles and Nested are first class citizens, and currently part of
the Struts core. There is absolutely no reason to claim that bugs in these
components are less important than bugs in any other part of the core.
Perhaps you don't use them, but many others do, and they should not be

I've said it before, and I'll say it again - more frequent releases does
*not* mean lower quality releases. You can be sure I'll back that up.

> > I'll take a look at these to see if there's anything that would block a
> > release. If not, I could roll a release on Sunday and try to do it
> > HTTPD-style, so that we can do it without a freeze.
> Would this be a 1.2 RC1 or final?

I think it has to be Beta 1. I know we're supposed to be using this new
Tomcat-style numbering scheme, but my understanding is that even numbers
mean stable releases. That being the case, there has to be some stabilising
mechanism before we can get to the first release, because 0 is an even
number. (In other words, a 1.2.1 release would be the stabilising release
before a stable 1.2.2, but how do you stabilise before a 1.2.0 release?)

> >
> > http://httpd.apache.org/dev/release.html
> >
> > I'll cut the candidate and post it for review and a vote. If it passes,
> > it passes; if not, we re-tag and try again.
> >
> > I do think it would be a good idea to get a post 1.1 release out now so
> > people will start updating their code to not use the 1.1 deprecations.
> +1

-0. Personally, I don't think that, by itself, is a good enough criterion
for a release, but I don't feel strongly enough about that to block it if
other people disagree.

> >
> > After 1.2.0, we could start with the 1.2.x releases, until we do
> > something drastic like drop in a Composable RequestProcessor or move a
> > dependence to another JAR (e.g. Commons Resources).
> I've always thought that point releases are bugfixes only with no
> enhancements.  Also, point releases don't allow us to remove deprecated
> features.  How would these change under a 1.2.x type of release scheme?

Point releases (e.g. going from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2) are indeed bug fixes only
and no new features. New features require a minor version increment (e.g.
1.2.0 to 1.3.0). When we do "something drastic" (to use Ted's words ;),
we'll need to go to a1.3.x lineage. That will quite likely mean creating
branches, if we want to work on both bug fix releases and new features
simultaneously in the CVS tree.

Martin Cooper

> David
> >
> > -Ted.
> >
> > David Graham wrote:
> > > I think we could release 1.2 now if there was a release manager.  I
> > don't
> > > have the time to learn and perform the release process right now.
> > >
> > > David
> > >
> > > --- Nick Lesincki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >
> > >>It has been at least 1 month since question was asked
> > >>When is the next release?
> > >>Last msg said 1 month after 1.1 and a release manager
> > >>was required and some bug fixes would be out.
> > >>
> > >>Nicolas
> >
> >
> >
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