Quoting James Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> +++++1 on this!!


> You hit the nail on the head.  Many people (mostly managers) are reluctant
> to adopt Struts add-ons because they are not perceived as having the same
> "tried and true" stamp as the official Struts core.  I think doing this
> would be a huge boon for Struts and would foster a lot of the development
> interest that's been talked about over the past couple of days.
> Also, +1 on having the creators of those projects become committers so long
> as they've shown a protracted history in maintaining their respective
> projects and have an interest to continue doing so.

There's yet another reason that is important -- the ASF board wants to ensure
that everything packaged in an ASF software distribution has either the Apache
License or something less restrictive.  Currently, we're fine because all we
ship is ASF code.  Bringing add-ons under the Struts TLP umbrella means that
they'd automatically be Apache licensed as well.

> -James
> http://www.jamesholmes.com/struts/


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