So the problem was that the Struts example wouldn't load in Tomcat4.0 B7
because it didn't have a parser or the jaxp.jar.  Someone suggested putting
a parser and jaxp.jar in the CATALINA_HOME/lib directory. This worked for
me.  But a post from the tomcat list suggested putting them in the
web-inf/lib directory.  Indeed this latter method should work and seems a
better solution to me:

Craig McClanahan posts:
the order in which Tomcat 4 looks for classes to load.
- /WEB-INF/classes
- /WEB-INF/lib (undefined order of JAR files)
- $CATALINA_HOME/classes
- $CATALINA_HOME/lib (undefined order of JAR files)
- $CATALINA_HOME/common/classes
- $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib (undefined order of JAR files)

So I put crimson.jar & JAXP in the WEB-INF/lib directory.  It's not loading
properly, it throws a sealing violation.  The classloader isn't having it.
Not sure why this is happening.  Anyone?

Craig R.

                        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]     
                                            cc:     (bcc: Craig Reichenbach/CAM/Lotus) 
                    08/31/2001 03:05        Subject:     Re: Tomcat 4.0b7 and 
struts-example webapp 
                    Please respond to                                                  

This is more a question for the Tomcat list, but since it came up below,
what is the best practice for including needed libraries and
implementations (such as crimson.jar & jaxp.jar) in Catalina?  While Ian's
suggestion below moves these from /jasper to /lib, I found the struts
example also works in B7 by putting jaxp and crimson in /common/lib and
leaving them in jasper.   Can someone point me to where I can discern the
differences between the different lib directories in Catalina?

This has no doubt come up before, sorry for repetition.


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