> -----Original Message-----
> From: Khan, Manuchehar A (ACF) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 6:32 PM
> Thanks for input...You are right...Politics play more role here than
> technology and innovation.
> I gave 2 hr presentation on pros and cons of framework developed by one
> person as compare to people involved behind struts.   Opposition
> was struts is not tested or proven, what if jakarta abandon struts project
> and we will become dependent on 3rd party tool.

...and they are better off with homegrown solution that no one wants to

Think about it.  If I'm looking for a job and during the interview someone
is explaining this homegrown solution and how I will have to get into the
code and make enhancements/bug fixes.  I'll tell them to stick it.

How would you feel if I (as if I was your employer) decided that Jimmy
Dorkheimer's Framework for ASP Remote Transactions (aka... FART) was the way
to go?  Now everyone get's to learn the inner workings of Jimmy's FART.

After 9 month's of fighting over architecture and/or political bull#hit, you
decide to get your resume floating around again.  But, noone wants to hire
you, because all you've been doing for the last 9 months is working on

I left a promising future with an Internet Banking ASP because, after they
were acquired by a larger Banking ASP (Unix/CGI shop), apparently I would
now be writing the front end in a Markup Language that they had invented.  I
told THEM 'to stick it' and took a $25k raise to another dot com.  That was
over 2 years ago.  When that dot bomb...oops...I mean not com decided to let
3/4 of the company go after Sept 11, I took a $54k raise to come here where
I am now....but I digress.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
Struts-Atlanta, the "Open Minded Developer Network"

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