I read somewhere that you should use http://java.sun.com/jstl/core for the 
taglib uri in your web.xml file for the JSTL libraries (as opposed to 
something you make up like jstl-core).  The author stated that using that 
full uri would allow a container to optimize those tags like you mentioned.

First, is that true?  Second, it would be neat if containers optimized 
Struts tags in a similar manner.  Maybe the Tomcat team would be willing to 
do this since they're both on jakarta.


>From: Eddie Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: "Avoid Heavy Use of Logic Tags" ???
>Date: Wed, 09 Oct 2002 12:25:08 -0500
>... and now that we have the JSTL you can have your tags optimized into 
>actual code.  It's my understanding, for example, that a forEach tag would 
>be translated into an actual while (or was it for ...  anyway, you get the 
>point).  So, you're bypassing the tag-usage overhead some.
>Hopefully Martin will see this and elaborate (and correct me if I'm wrong). 
>  I believe that's fairly close though ...
>Of course - not all of us are on containers that even support the JSTL ... 
>but some of us are :-)
>Robert wrote:
>>I think that statement "Using custom tags for logic provides little
>>benefit..." is bit vague. I would say that custom tags the do
>>PRESENTATION logic are of benefit, e.g. iterators, formatting, html
>>controls, etc. all fit into that category for me. You are right, you
>>have to do it somehow, where otherwise you end up with just static HTML
>>I'm not sure why he would say that XML syntax is more difficult to
>>maintain than other types. That is probably more of an 'eye of the
>>beholder' issue. If you have web developers that are unfamiliar with
>>Java, then the XML syntax is probably easier than a bunch of scriptlets,
>>no? Personally I think it is a lot easier to read than other dynamic
>>page systems (ASP, PHP, etc.), but that is just me.
>>- Robert
>Eddie Bush
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