Sure, as in:

<%@ taglib prefix="bean"
uri=""; %>
<%@ taglib prefix="html"
uri=""; %>

David Graham wrote:
> Thanks for the info Craig.  I didn't know you didn't have to list them in
> the web.xml file and put the tlds in your app.  Does this apply to any
> taglib on a servlet 2.3 compliant container as long as you use the uri given
> in the tld?
> Also, I switched from <bean:message> to <fmt:message> but then realized that
> the struts tag will pick the appropriate subapp resources.  Is this the only
> difference from the jstl version?
> I just thought it would be cool if containers recognized how cool struts is
> by optimizing the implementation of custom tags :-).  Big players like IBM
> are putting an increasing emphasis on struts so maybe in the future we'll
> see this.  Although, considering how long it took them to release a 2.3
> compliant Websphere this may be wishful thinking.
> Dave

Kris Schneider <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
D.O.Tech       <>

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