Konqueror ... doesn't.  I'm sorry - I run KDE, but there's a *reason* I 
don't use Konqueror - it sucks.  Maybe it will one day be better, but 
this is not that day :-)  Anyone using that over Mozilla deserves what 
they get IMHO (they have the option - it's not like it's the only thing 
available to them).

Andrew Hill wrote:

>GUI is my main focus, and Id have to agree on dhtml being a real time
>The other day I had to do a fancy widget thing that involves being able to
>re-order a tables rows (and submit the new order). Took about an hour to get
>working nicely in IE.
>Spent the rest of the day coming up with a version that would work in
>Mozilla (and not break the IE compatibility) - and I only had to make it
>work in IE & NS6/Mozilla. If you also plan on supporting other browsers,
>(Konqeror, Opera, NS4.x, etc....) - which is a must for public sites, then
>be prepared to set aside quite a lot of time.
Eddie Bush

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