2002. október 14. 16:31 dátummal Eddie Bush ezt írtad:
> Which browsers do you build against?  ... and what functional areas do
> you find you still have to test in other browsers?  I haven't even

I meant IE. Actually unlike most webdevelopers I know I do not use IE during 
the devel period.

> considered it something worthy of my time to use - but, if you are
> correct, I am very mistaken.

Nope, you're right. 
I am forced to use some nasty dhtml scripting which I would avoid if I could.

On every release time I have reboot, test with IE, just run through NS and 
opera, but I dislike the last 2 as a matter of fact.

> Thanks for the tip :-)  I'll give it another try.  It's conceivable the
> sites I hit with it just weren't "up-to-par".

Actually the milosic.com menu does not work w/ konqueror, the 
www.mattkruse.com dhtml calendar popup does not work w/ konqueror etc etc 

But it was far worse before the version 3.0  


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