On Wed, 27 Aug 2003, William T Hansley wrote:

> External Editor - integrates emacs (XEmacs) and vi (Vim) with NetBeans.
> More editors can be integrated as well although the external editor team
> is currently focusing on the above two editors.
> I've never tried the vi support, but I am a happy NetBeans user.

My vote has to go to:

Free: Eclipse
Not Free: IDEA - If you can get your company to buy this for you, go for
it. IntelliJ also had a special around last December - January where you
could buy an IDEA license for $150. Maybe they will do that again?

Also, both Eclipse and IDEA have vi plug-ins. I just use vim when I want
fast editing, so I can't say how good they work. I can only say that I've
seen them.

Eclipse: http://eclipse-plugins.2y.net/eclipse/plugin_details.jsp?id=331
IDEA: http://www.intellij.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/VimPlugin

Melissa L Kelley

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