Great Adam,
I really appreciate your info.
BTW: I saw in the struts-dev newsgroup that there are some discussions about how to 
get rid of ActionErrors, and apparantly it's not crystal clear what will happen. 
Anyway I didn't find useful information about the Validator. 
I've given up experimenting, and must -- until new ideas pop up -- stick to the old 
ActionErrors class. [I don't like the name of the class--it's supposed to hold any 
type of message - right? :-) ]


--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 09:03:26
From: Adam Hardy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>On 10/28/2003 08:17 AM Keld Hansen wrote:
>> I tried your suggestion, and sad to say: it didn't work. I see that
>> you're using EL - do I have to specify anything special in my jsp
>> page to make it work? Apart from the usual taglibs.
>> /Keld --------- Original Message ---------
>> DATE: Mon, 27 Oct 2003 14:56:08 From: Adam Hardy
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: Struts Users Mailing List
>>> On 10/27/2003 12:47 PM Keld Hansen wrote:
>>>> Thanx, I'll try it, but I read your suggestion as this:
>>>> write out all global messages in the ActionMessages queue
>>>> so I'll be surpised to see the messages from the Validator.
>>> I'm just telling you what I'm doing :) - there's no reason why it 
>>> shouldn't work for you.
>OK so I was wrong, there is a reason why it shouldn't work for you :(
>I am using DynaValidator - but I can't imagine that it would cause this 
>Actually I've just discovered that there are pages in my app where the 
>validator messages are not showing up - but there are pages, e.g. the 
>one I checked yesterday before I answered your question, where the 
>validator messages do turn up.
>I'll see what on earth is going on & let you know.
>struts 1.1 + tomcat 5.0.12 + java 1.4.2
>Linux 2.4.20 RH9
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