I have 2 form beans in request scope. Say formbean A and formBean B. I
have some fields common  in both the jsps and so I have identical 
getter/setter methods in both beans. When Action Form A is called, it
has non null values for these fields. It performs the business logic and
forwards it to actionform B. The reset method of B is called where I am
setting all the fields of Form bean B to null...( I can see that in the
debug mode)... But once it comes to actionForm B, it still has the same
values in all the common variables

I thought the form values are tied to the form bean, so even though the
second form bean has some fields same as the first bean, it is a new
different bean and so I would expect all the value parameters to be

I am not able to understand why one form beans values are retained in
another form bean? 


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