Good idea, that's what I did. I discovery, with some disappointment, that
the file saves depths and not pressures, giving head scratching about real
influence of set salinity to program and calculations.

Henry's Law is based on (partial) pressures and not depths. I dunno how
diving computer talks to subsurface. If giving depths instead of pressures
it would be a pity.

A pressure is a direct measurement and can be post diving corrected with
salinity to correct depth, even when the computer was wrongly set.

In the saved file I saw a salinity of 1025 g/l and it's ok for oceanic
water but completely wrong for closed seas and tropical ones (1033-1044

If possibile I suggest programmers to introduce interface to set standard
salinity AND the possibility to modify single dive ones and to clarify if
it has some impact to calculus of real depth and pressure.

Moreover, if the diving computer gives you both pressure and depth, for
god's sake, get pressure values and THEN convert to depth.

In a second moment we should talk about apparent depth on mountain

2018-04-14 14:55 GMT+02:00 Salvador Cuñat <>:

> Good afternoon.
> On Sat, Apr 14, 2018 at 12:09:38PM +0000, tormento wrote:
> >
> > A way to fix salinity would be welcome, even hex editing configuration
> file.
> >
> I don't think there is a direct or easy way to change random values on a
> cloud
> stored divelog.
> A workaround for it could be  (on desktop subsurface):
> 1.- Sync with cloud.
> 2.- Save the log to a local .xml or .ssrf file
> 3.- Edit the values:
>         a.- manually with your preferred editor
>         b.- on linux a sed command would do the job
> 4.- Open the modified file in subsurface
> 5.- Double or triple check the changes
> 6.- Select "Save to cloud storage"
> This should do the trick.  As a bonus you will have a local backup
> file which can be useful if anything goes wild in the future.
> Best regards.
> Salva
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