On 21-11-2018 08:48, Dirk Hohndel wrote:

On Nov 20, 2018, at 9:55 PM, Robert Helling <hell...@lmu.de <mailto:hell...@lmu.de>> wrote:

yesterday, I had an hour of time and I played around with an idea that I would like to get some feedback on (I already showed it to my wife and she absolutely hated it).

My point is - I think this is worth more investigation.
An optional graph to the left of the main graph (the overlay seems odd). Easy to turn on and off with a button.
I'm curious to hear what others think, but this does seem quite interesting.
Oh, and I'd do it as a scatter plot...

I feel that, while an interesting idea, this will not be tremendously useful. I see 2 main reasons for this. 1) Only fresh water dives show relevant thermoclines, and dives at sea tend to have a very limited temperature change over depth (over the typical range of diving depths). And 2), more important, I think that a lot of DCs have a very poor temperature sensor (as in slow responding). That is, as you correctly said, already visible in the 1 mock up dive (and I believe that the used OSTC has a very decent, as in quick responding, temperature sensor).

In cave diving, water temperatures are relatively constant, but when there is a difference, the most interesting, is the place where that is, so directly related to time, like we have now. So no added value there.

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