On 11/21/2018 09:32 AM, Jan Mulder wrote:
I feel that, while an interesting idea, this will not be tremendously useful. I see 2 main reasons for this. 1) Only fresh water dives show relevant thermoclines, and dives at sea tend to have a very limited temperature change over depth (over the typical range of diving depths).

I have experiences very pronounced thermoclines in the sea,
- in the gulf of Oman
- on many shores in Indonesia
- even at Isla del Cocos

And 2), more important, I think that a lot of DCs have a very poor temperature 
sensor (as in slow responding).

They are slow responding in air, but under water, it usually takes just a few 
for them to change.

But I've got a different suggestion for visualization: Instead of abusing the 
for something not time, just paint a background-color gradient (like from blue 
to purple or yellow)
instead of the current linear light-to-dark-blue background color gradient, to visualizes the temperature at depth.


Lutz Vieweg

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