Hello Jakob,
I tried something similar to your example:
    <route id="r0" edges="SC CN NC CS" repeat="2" period="100">
        <stop lane="SC_0" endPos="50" until="20"/>
        <stop lane="CN_0" endPos="50" until="65"/>
    <flow id="0" route="r0" begin="10" end="211" period="200"/>

It is observed that vehicles assigned to such a line (public transit route)
are indeed taking multiple trips as per the definition and the relative
time values are maintained. Each of these assigned vehicles always run from
start to end terminal, in this example, stop lane="SC_0" is always the
start and one direction. However, none of the assigned vehicles are
restarting from the end terminal to the start terminal, in this example,
stop lane="CN_0" is never a start.

All I am trying to point out is that an assigned vehicle of a line starts
at one terminal and goes to the other terminal (upstream journey). Then,
the vehicle starts from the other terminal and comes back to start
(downstream journey). Nevertheless, the simulation in SUMO always logs only
the upstream journey although the vehicle is actually making the downstream
journey as well.

I extended your example (bold) to force the vehicle of the line to halt at
downstream journey too:
    <route id="r0" edges="SC CN NC CS" repeat="2" period="100">
        <stop lane="SC_0" endPos="50" until="20"/>
        <stop lane="CN_0" endPos="50" until="65" *duration="120"*/>
        *<stop lane="CN_0" endPos="50" until="205"/>*
    <flow id="0" route="r0" begin="10" end="211" period="200"/>
However, it did not produce the desired result.

I request you to suggest something by which both upstream and downstream
journey of each vehicle of the route will be captured.

thanks and regards,
Dillip Rout

On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 at 04:03, Chris Weinhaupl <chrisweinha...@gmail.com>

> This creates 4 vehicles that will lap the route.
> The bus will stop at the first stop, however on the second lap the vehicle
> will not stop at the busStop.
> Thanks for the assistance, what may I change make the same vehicle repeat
> and stop at the first stop on the second/third/forth lap etc?
>     <route id="r_north_to_city" edges="north gneE0 city gneE1">
>         <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
>         <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
>     </route>
>     <flow id="ns" route="r_north_to_city" begin="10" end="1000" period=
> "200" type="12passenger"/>
> On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 12:30 AM Jakob Erdmann <namdre.s...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The following example (from
>> https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/tree/master/tests/sumo/basic/routes/parsing/repeat_flow_stops
>> ) defines
>> 2 buses that run a looped route 3 times each (initial run and 2 repeats).
>> The 'until' times are relative to the flow vehicle departures (at time 0
>> and 200) and the period parameter defines by how much the until times are
>> shifted on each repeat.
>> Taken together there are 12 vehicle stops in this simulation (2 stops per
>> route x 3 repeats x 2 buses).
>>     <route id="r0" edges="SC CN NC CS" repeat="2" period="100">
>>         <stop lane="SC_0" endPos="50" until="20"/>
>>         <stop lane="CN_0" endPos="50" until="65"/>
>>     </route>
>>     <flow id="0" route="r0" begin="10" end="211" period="200"/>
>> Am Fr., 12. Juni 2020 um 06:27 Uhr schrieb Tripplanner Mumbai <
>> tripplanner...@gmail.com>:
>>> Hello,
>>> As per the documentation (
>>> https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#repeated_routes),
>>> repeat is similar to frequency, am I correct?.
>>> Or, the frequency is similar to vehsPerHour defined in flow (
>>> https://sumo.dlr.de/docs/Definition_of_Vehicles,_Vehicle_Types,_and_Routes.html#repeated_vehicles_flows
>>> )
>>> For any public transit route or line, the fleet size is fixed, those
>>> vehicles make to and fro motion through the designated stops in various
>>> trips.
>>> Please let me know,
>>> thank you,
>>> Dillip Rout
>>> On Fri, 12 Jun 2020 at 08:33, Tripplanner Mumbai <
>>> tripplanner...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have the same issue, that is, tried to simulate bus service. For a
>>>> line (or public transit route), several vehicles (fleet) repeatedly make
>>>> many trips according to headway (period in SUMO) or frequency. As per the
>>>> suggestions @Jackob, I tried the following.
>>>> <route id="14" edges="78[0] 56a 56b 77bc 77cd 53cd 53[0] 78[1][1]
>>>> 189[0] 189[1][0]+20000 189[1][1] 188 87[0] 20001+87[1][0] 87[1][1] m90
>>>> 89[0] 20002+89[1][0] 89[1][1] 91 186 109[0] 109[1][0]+20003 109[1][1] 116
>>>> 46 134 134b 133 31 115 110 185 92 90 m91 88 187 190 77[0] 53[1][0]
>>>> 53[1][1][0] 77[1][0] 77ab 77bc 77cd 53cd 53[0] 78[1][1] 189[0]
>>>> 189[1][0]+20000">
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#31" until="0"/>
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#32" until="120"/>
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#33" until="240"/>
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#34" until="360"/>
>>>>         <!--stop busStop="busStop#21" until="480" duration="600"/-->
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#21" until="480"/>
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#22" unitl="1080"/>
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#9" unitl="1200"/>
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#6" unitl="1320"/>
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#3" unitl="1440"/>
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#2" unitl="1560"/>
>>>>         <!--stop busStop="busStop#31" unitl="1680" duration="600"/-->
>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop#31" unitl="1680" duration="600"/>
>>>>  </route>
>>>> <flow id="bus_14" begin="0" end="3600" period="240" departLane="best"
>>>> line="14" type="bus" route="14"/>
>>>> However, it resulted in (i) infinite loop, simulated did not end (ii)
>>>> no lines or vehicles are repeated as per the output files.
>>>> I am also waiting to see a solution to it.
>>>> thanks and regards,
>>>> Dillip Rout
>>>> On Fri, 12 Jun 2020 at 07:07, Chris Weinhaupl <chrisweinha...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks  @namdre
>>>>> I would like 70 buses to repeat a 40km loop stopping at defined
>>>>> busstops along the way.
>>>>> I tried re-router but I cant make the bus stop the second time around.
>>>>> I tried to figure out a config that matches your suggestion.(just
>>>>> below).
>>>>> May I ask for a sample config of a repeating transit bus.
>>>>> Thanks everyone.
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Notes from Github:
>>>>> I'm not sure what your question is.
>>>>>    - if you want to keep the same vehicle circulation (vehicle id
>>>>>    stays the same) then you can either
>>>>>       - define a vehicle or trip with lots of repeating stops
>>>>>       - define a route that loops back to the start once and uses
>>>>>       attribute 'repeat'. then assign that route to a vehicle
>>>>>    - if you want to keep sending a new vehicle on the same route
>>>>>    repeatedly you can use a flow.
>>>>> Of course, both things can be combined if you want multiple vehicles
>>>>> running the same repeating loop.
>>>>> Ref:
>>>>> https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/issues/7127
>>>>> @namdre
>>>>> For clarification regarding repeating PT.
>>>>> I am wanting to have the same type vehicle repeat its route.
>>>>> I tried repeating edges and stops in router and flow.
>>>>> I think I misunderstood your comments regarding this question:
>>>>> https://github.com/eclipse/sumo/issues/6550
>>>>> ```
>>>>>     <flow id="f1" color="1,1,0"  begin="0" end= "3600" period="30"
>>>>> type="12passenger">
>>>>>         <route edges="north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1
>>>>> north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
>>>>>     </flow>
>>>>> ```
>>>>> ```
>>>>>     <route id="r_north_to_city" edges="north gneE0 city gneE1 north
>>>>> gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1 north gneE0 city gneE1">
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_north_0_1" duration="10"/>
>>>>>         <stop busStop="busStop_city_0_0" duration="10"/>
>>>>>     </route>
>>>>> ```
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