----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 12:11 AM
Subject: Re: Sundial Slang

One term which is common and not (yet) in the Glossary is "High noon".  Is this an americanism?  I have, of course, seen my cowboy movies, but am unclear where the term originates.  Is it that, with the relatively low latitudes in the south of America, the Sun can come close to directly overhead (altitude = 90 degrees) at noon?  If so, it reinforces the wrong view of much of the UK media that the Sun is at the "zenith" at noon.  Whilst many ordinary people think of "zenith" as the highest point of the arc, astronomically it is defined as the point which really is directly overhead (only expressed rather more formally!).
Hi all,
this my response may be a little more serious (hope don't bore you), though I really don't know where the slang said 'Hight Noon' comes from.
Nevertheless I should remark that in middle age England and French people use to call midday just like this, "hygh noone", or "haute nonne". As we know the English language got much from the French language in the middle age, and we know also that modern word "noon" comes from "none" (or Latin 'nona') that is the cononical hour when monks recite none, that in the ancient Irish language surely become "Noon". There is, actually in the Vatican library an ancient Irish manuscript that use this term to say "none" (see my book "The ancient sundial of Ireland", page 66), and because since early times the pryer of none has been slowly superimposed to midday, we find that in England people easily called that moment 'noon'.
But lets go bak to high noon again. As I wrote here, medieval French use to call midday "haute nonne" that means high none (in the sense of the time for pryer), why this? Easy, in medieval time people didn't use the hours as moments like today, but they consider a time between two terms (or hour lines), and canonical hours in former times last almost three seasonal (or temporal) hours, and the position of the sun gave them the idea to specify better. So this is the names of the part of the day in medieval France: heure de soleil levant (hour of the rising sun), prime, houte prime (high prime), tierce, haute tierce (high terce), haute nonne (high none), basse nonne (low none), remontière (wake up), haut vespre (high vesper), bas vespre (low vesper), complie (compline), heure de soleil esconsant (hour of the hiding sun).
At the same time in England we find the popular use to call midday "hygh noone" as we may read in many old writings. Look at this Cronicle, for instance:"With us the nobility, gentry and students doe ordinarily go to dinner at aleaven before noone and to supper at five, or betweene five and sixe afternoone. The marchaunts dine and suppe seldome before 12 at noone and sixe at night (read evening), aspecially in London. The husbandmen dine also at 'high noone' as they call it and sup at seven or eyght; but out of the terme in our Universities the schoolers dine at tenne".
Thank you for your attention, and forgive me my bad English
Mario Arnaldi
V.le Leonardo, 82
I-48020 LIDO ADRIANO - Ravenna
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