Hi All,
I've just finished the 7th edition of my Sundial Owner's Manual and realized that throughout the manual I explained sundial terms using sundial slang instead of the John Davis approved correct term. (Although at least in the Manual I place the correct term next to it in parenthisis) I also use sundial slang when I’m talking with others.  I feel a little guilty because I’m not using the correct terms.  But the slang serves a very useful purpose in that it is so intuitive and self-explanatory.  (The sundial purists are going to hate me for this!)

Anyway, here are a few of them…

*High noon (Apparent Noon)

Fuzz zone (The penumbra)

Fuzz factor (formula that determines the width of the penumbra: F=1/100) The Correction graph (The Equation of Time)

Sun height (solar altitude)

Sun direction (solar azimuth)

Due North (The Celestial Pole)

Sun time (Apparent Time)

Watch time (Standard Time)

Date Ball (Spherical Nodus)

Shadow caster (gnomon)

The edge of the shadow caster (style)

Moontime (time shown by moon shadows on a sundial)

Time Zone correction (Longitudinal Shift)

Horizon pollution (the objects around sundial that shade it from the sun.  ie. trees, buildings, mountains.  No correct term for this that I know of)

 *As a sundial slang purist, I get upset, like any good dialist would, when my favorite radio station announces that it is High Noon (12:00 pm watch time), but because of our Time Zone Correction, it’s really only about 11:30 am Sun time!

John L. Carmichael Jr.
Sundial Sculptures
925 E. Foothills Dr.
Tucson Arizona 85718
Tel: 520-696-1709
Website: <http://www.sundialsculptures.com>

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