Fernando Cabral wrote:
> Daylight saving time has just begun in Brazil. And, as
> every year, I hear the most unimaginable argumentation
> against it. Like someone who contended it was invented
> and introduced in Brazil by the military dictatorship
> as an act againt the people. In fact, daylight
> saving time was suspended during the dictatorship!
> Another one said he can't work or study during the
> summer because the daylight saving time plays havoc
> with his health...
> Even though I know DST was alive and kicking in the
> fifities, it does not seem I have a quick way to
> determine when it was introduced in Brazil for
> the first time.
> So, the question is: does anybody there knows when
> it was first introduced in the world? And in specific
> countries, like the US, UK, etc.?

Hi Fernando,

Have a look at the following website:


for technical details.

For the US, see


For the UK, see 


For Germany, see


For France, see


For the Netherlands, see


This list could probably be made much longer, but I hope that this will
suffice for the moment.

List members who know of other detailed websites on this topic should
probably report to the owner of the first-mentioned website.


* Robert H. van Gent * Tel/Fax:  00-31-30-2720269      *
* Zaagmolenkade 50   *                                 *
* 3515 AE Utrecht    * E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* The Netherlands    *                                 *
* Home page: http://www.phys.uu.nl/~vgent/homepage.htm *      

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