G'day Fernando,

>Daylight saving time has just begun in Brazil. And, as
>every year, I hear the most unimaginable argumentation
>against it. Like someone who contended it was invented
>and introduced in Brazil by the military dictatorship
>as an act againt the people. In fact, daylight
>saving time was suspended during the dictatorship!
>Another one said he can't work or study during the
>summer because the daylight saving time plays havoc
>with his health...

        In parts of Australia it is claimed that daylight savings tends to
bleach curtains (all that extra UV?) and confuses dairy cows!



Peter Mayer                 | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Politics Department         |
University of Adelaide      | 'phone:+61.8 8303 5606/5610
Adelaide, SA 5005           | FAX: (+61.8) 8303 3446
AUSTRALIA                   |

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