Dear Anselmo and all,

With respect to the "bifilar polar dial" in Appingedam (NL), my site does
not specify the shape of the curved gnomon. It is certainly no ellipse, nor
a hyperbola. Do you like some math? Have a look at the article by Fer de
Vries in the NASS Compendium 8 (4), in particular fig. 4.

Point E (the center of the dial face, for those who don't have the
Compendium at hand) has been taken as the origin of the coordinate system,
EB (the east-west line) as the x-axis and EF (perpendicular to the dial
face, intersecting the pole-style) as the z-axis. The coordinates of a point
Q on the curved gnomon were derived as:
  x = EC = g.tan(t) - g.sin(t), and z = CQ = g.cos(t),
in which t is the hour angle of the sun and g the height of the pole-style
above the dial face. Scaling x and z in units of g, the shape of the curved
gnomon is given by the parametric equations:
  x(t) = tan(t) - sin(t) and z(t) = cos(t).

Your question actually is to convert this pair of equations into an analytic
expression z(x). This can be done by making the usual substitutions:
  tan(t) = sin(t) / cos(t) and cos(t) = sqrt[1-sin(t)^2],
but it is not going to look very nice. In case you would like to probe this
route, it is perhaps easier to swap the axes and calculate x(z). My result
is (please check):
  x^2 = (1 - 2z + z^2 + 2z^3 - z^4) / z^2.
Definitely not the equation of a conic section!

Some properties of the curve can be obtained from looking at the parametric
equations. For t->90 degrees (6 hr local time), x->infinity and z->0. The
curve thus approaches the dial face asymptotically when moving out.

In the center, the curved gnomon touches the pole-style. The slope dz/dx of
the curve at this point (x=0) is infinite. There are several ways to arrive
at this result. You love calculus, do you?

1) For t->0 degrees (local noon), x->0 and z->1, as expected for a polar
dial. The slope of the curve at x=0 is:
  dz/dx = (dz/dt) / (dx/dt) = -sin(t) / [1/cos(t)^2 - cos(t)].
For t=0, this unfortunately gives 0/0, an indeterminate value. According to
the rule of Bernoulli (or De l'Hopital) one may take the derivatives of the
numerator and the denominator, which at t=0 leads to 1/0, or infinite.

2) Make a Taylor series expansion of the quotient:
  x(t) = tan(t) - sin(t) = t^3/2 + (t^5)/8 + ..., and:
  z(t) = cos(t) = 1 - t^2/2 + (t^4)/24 + ...
Hence dz/dx (t->0) = 2/(t^3), which approaches infinity for t->0.

3) Differentiate the analytic expression given above (your homework for
today ;-).

4) The intuitive approach: if the slope were finite, the pole-style and the
initial part of the curved gnomon would span an inclined plane. As long as
the sun would be below this plane, an intersection point of the two shadow
edges would be formed, which would fall on the straight, perpendicular date
line. When the sun would rise above this plane, the intersection point would
disappear and the initial part of the curved gnomon would cast an oblique
shadow, which is incompatible with the existence of a perpendicular date
line. Hence, the slope should be infinite.

Kind regards,

Frans Maes
53.1 N, 6.5 E

----- Original Message -----
From: "Anselmo PÈrez Serrada" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 08, 2002 10:42 PM
Subject: On bifilar polar sundial

> Hoi, Frans!
>   I have been playing a bit with the equations for a bifilar dial trying
> reproduce the bifilar polar dial that I saw in your web. There you say
> that the transversal gnomon is a piece of hyperbola, but I have found
> that it is really a piece of ellipse (there are more solutions, but none
> is an hyperbolic arc). I suppose my calculations are wrong  but I can't
> find the mistake in them. Can you please provide me more
> information about this topic? Do you know the exact equation for this
> curve?
> Hartelijke bedankt,
> Anselmo P. Serrada
> -


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