Dear Edley,
My version is a "Gee" platform, named for Alan Gee which uses a circular section. I rested the section in the piece of plywood I'd cut it from, resting it, as perhaps you can see, on two little teflon furniture glides. Oh! And since I'm in Oz, the door (and deck) face north. (Perhaps if you can see the numbers on the dial you'll see they run from right to left!).

best wishes,


Edley McKnight wrote:

Hi Peter,

Your small jpgs came through fine. There seem to be a number of Poncet patents with curved surfaces, to answer other questions. This embodyment seems sturdier and less likely to shift. It appears to be an indoor dial, through a south window, yes. It looks really good! I wish I had a south window.

Nice to hear from you again.


    I've tried to send a couple of small jpgs of my crude Poncet
Platform, but they've been blocked by the server, too large.  I may
have to try in stages.

best wishes,


Peter Mayer
Politics Department
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
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Peter Mayer
Politics Department
The University of Adelaide, AUSTRALIA 5005
Ph    : +61 8 8303 5606
Fax   : +61 8 8303 3443
CRICOS Provider Number 00123M
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