Dear friends,
a new issue of the Italian magazine Orologi Solari is available for
download from the usual site

Here is the list of articles together with a short abstract:

1. - "Calculation of the limits of the presence of the Sun on a vertical
declining wall starting from a singular triestine sundial" by Paolo Alberi
A vertical sundial installed on the terrace of a building in Trieste shows
two particular hour lines: the author in this article explains their
meaning and illustrates their calculation method.

2. - "The name of hours. For a more correct gnomonic lexicon - second part"
by Mario Arnaldi
In this second part of the article the author continues his considerations
on unequal hours, focusing exclusively on the perception of time in the
Middle Ages. Although the ancient geometric and astronomical concept was
well known since the early Hellenistic times, in the practice during
late-ancient and then medieval ages this began to get out of hands even to

3. - "The sustainable lightness of <Ravenna’s Rule>" by Mario Arnaldi and
Fabio Savian
Even before the transition from unequal to equal hours, it was realized
that a classic medieval sundial could not function properly at latitudes
above 25 degrees. Without sufficient knowledge to trace the correct
sundials to show the temporary hours, practical methods to limit the error
were tested. The article proposes an easy and universal rule, so far little
investigated, to read the true temporary hours on medieval sundials.

4. - "Realization of a sundial on an inclined plane" by Gian Casalegno
It is explained how, by means of the Orologi Solari program, it was
possible to easily design a sundial positioned on an inclined declining
plane located on the hill behind the author's house. The problems that came
up due to an incorrect choice of materials are then described.

5. - "Letter to a colleague: a lunar dial..." by Alessandro Gunella
The author answers to a colleague who asked him about the possibility of
using the Vitruvian Analemma for the Moon, and shares with us the
reflections he has collected about.

6. - "PRIMITIÆ GNOMONICÆ CATOPTRICÆ...” by Athanasius Kircher" by
Alessandro Gunella
The author presents one of his latest and precious translations, about one
of the first gnomonic texts published by Kircher when he was still living
in Avignon: a real novelty on the catottric gnomonics.

7. - "The French hours without their knowledge" by Fabio Savian
The author analyzes the terminology used in the classification of sundials,
to bring it to attention of experts and submit it to criticism, hoping that
more and more the 'gnomonic description' of a sundial can become shared and

8. - "The Eng. Fadini’s nomograms" by Elsa Stocco
The nomograms, that Eng. Fadini in the 90s proposed to calculate the data
of a vertical sundial, given latitude and declination of the wall, are
remembered. Even then made obsolete by the use of the pocket calculator,
today they represent an “Historical” curiosity...

Hope you will enjoy the reading, although in Italian only.

Ciao and... Happy Christmas !

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