Michael Gordon wrote:
Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo replied On 3/13/2009 2:45 PM

NoOp wrote:
On 03/13/2009 08:48 AM, Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo wrote:
Michael Gordon wrote:
Peter Potamus the Purple Hippo replied On 3/13/2009 12:44 AM

Michael Gordon wrote:

The reason everything is so cryptic here is because this news server block all messages with attachments
hogwash!  I've sent many posts here with attachments


You may have been one of the very lucky few who got an image through this server. I still have a 20Kb message with a small image of my messenger title bar in my Sent folder for this group that has not appeared in the New Messages list. Therefore the 20Kb support image has never appeared here.


excuse me, but you never said anything about image attachments, and thats what my reply was about, non-image attachments.

Don't know... on one machine I have headers back to 3/27/2006 and I
added the 'attachments' column. Sorting on that column and scrolling
through it yields no attachments. Perhaps it was further back than that?

I've attached something.  Do you get this attachment?



      Personal Toolbar Folder

The SeaMonkey® Project <http://www.seamonkey-project.org/>


Yes, because it is a text file.


no, its a non-image file :-) , therefore, attachments of those types are permitted.

*IMPORTANT*: Sorry folks, but I cannot provide email help!!!! Emails to me may become public

Notice: This posting is protected under the Free Speech Laws, which applies everywhere in the FREE world, except for some strange reason, not to the mozilla.org newsgroup servers, where your posting may get you banned.

Peter Potamus & His Magic Flying Balloon:
support-seamonkey mailing list

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