On Apr 1, 9:21 am, Ray_Net <> wrote:
Terry R. wrote:
The date and time was Tuesday, March 31, 2009 4:48:11 PM, and on a whim, pounded out on the keyboard:
On Mar 31, 7:11 pm, "Terry R." <> wrote:
The date and time was Tuesday, March 31, 2009 3:03:07 PM, and on a whim, pounded out on the keyboard:
On Mar 31, 4:54 pm, Ray_Net <>
wrote: wrote:
On Mar 30, 6:58 pm, Ray_Net <>
wrote: wrote:
Ok - here's an example of the problem, based on a short message I
composed in HTML.  In HTML, there was a blank line before the line
that starts "Me".  When I go into the sent folder and do a view ->
message source, the blank line is there (although the message
has been
converted totext).
However, when I just look at either the received message (i sent
it to
myself, among others), or the copy in my sent folder, the blank
is MISSING.  Pull a few blank lines in a row from a long message
it becomes very hard to read.
From - Mon Mar 30 13:44:36 2009
X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
X-Mozilla-Status2: 00800000
Message-ID: [omitted]
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 13:44:35 -0400
From: [omitted]
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090303 SeaMonkey/1.1.15
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: This Week...
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
OK - Wed is the first of 3 more prepaid weeks.
I -believe- the following people are playing Wednesday:
Me, Kathy, Art, Lisa, Jon, Peter, John, Beth, Kevin    (Ed is away
this week)
If you're on the list above and aren't "IN", please let me know
Otherwise, we'll assume a  quorum.
OK - Wed is the first of 3 more prepaid weeks.
I -believe- the following people are playing Wednesday:
Me, Kathy, Art, Lisa, Jon, Peter, John, Beth, Kevin    (Ed is away
this week)
If you're on the list above and aren't "IN", please let me know
Otherwise, we'll assume a  quorum.
Thanks for furnishing us an pseudo-working example.
I do your test.
It seems that only you have a problem ...
My RESULT IS CORRECT: Have a look !!!!
Content-Type:text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit hel 20001; Body=1 Fuz1=1 Fuz2=2
X-UIDL: (%l!!\pP!!""i!!joZ"!
OK - Wed is the first of 3 more prepaid weeks.
I -believe- the following people are playing Wednesday:
Me, Kathy, Art, Lisa, Jon, Peter, John, Beth, Kevin    (Ed is away
this week)
If you're on the list above and aren't "IN", please let me know
Otherwise, we'll assume a  quorum.
You gottext, not HTML
You always speak about a conversion ...there is no conversion needed.
In the case you furnished....The inputtextin plaintext, so the mail
is also plaintext. All is NORMAL.
You said also "the blank line is MISSING. " ...i used your inputtextas
test, and i did not have any blank line missing as you show us.
So YOUR pc have a problem .... not mine.
If you want to sent a mail in HTML format, please furnish him an
AnyWay, you NEVER cannot force the recipient to read it in HTML
I can't furnish in HTML, SM always converts it to plaintext.  and I
never said I wanted to force anyone to do anything (except for certain
readers to read the whole thread and take a request seriously) 8-}
Like I mentioned, if you insert a sig that has just one HTML element,
say a specific color or something of that sort, then it would be sent in
HTML.  Or use the Insert HTML and insert a horizontal line at the top or
bottom (i.e. <hr> ). That will force it to be sent in HTML.
Terry R.
Thanks Terry - I appreciate it, and I know many people (from postings
elsewhere) use this workaround.  I just thought that if there were so
many people working around something, it might make sense to request a
best regards
I can see how it is confusing, although I agree with the method.  Most
of us write a message and send it off.  I compose in HTML and I have a
serif font as my default.  I have my settings set to send in HTML to
specific people in my AB, and because my sig file is an HTML file, it's
sent that way.
But if I don't have any specific HTML elements and I am composing in
HTML mode, TB is taking the privilege to send the message as it sees
fit, since there aren't any HTML elements included.
I would agree that if the user has the settings to compose in HTML, it
should be sent in HTML, EVEN if there is only a font setting as the
Terry R.
How can i (as you said) compose in HTML if there is NOTHING in HTML ?
If there is nothing in HTML, SM have the right to send it in plaintext.... 
because it's a plain-texttext.

If you want that we try your problem ...tell us step by step how to get
your "the blank line is MISSING. " symptom.

There isn't "nothing" in HTML.  There is font selection, (important
for people who choose to read their Email in HTML).  There are tabs,
there are paragraph breaks etc.  You know all this already.

Step by Step -
1) compose a multi-paragraph Email (the more paragraphs the better)
with "compose in HTML" set.
2) send Email
3) look in sent folder - are all the paragraph breaks there?
4) if not, go to step 1 and repeat.

No offense, but I don't understand is why you continue to post on this
thread.  I'm not trying to flame, but I'm honestly confused.  You ask
for the same information over and over, and then dismiss anything you
don't agree with.  I understand and accept that you feel SM is perfect
in this regard.  Still, I'm here to try to affect some change as has
been affirmed by others.  Why are you still posting?


I have created 10 different mails .... and YES "all the paragraph breaks there?" no missing blank lines.
> Why are you still posting?
Due to the fact, that i will not test with 100 mails .. i stop posting.
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