On 9/14/2009 8:04 AM PT, Robert Kaiser typed:

How would I check for NSS version?

Why would you want to check it? We know the NSS version, SeaMonkey 1.1.18 comes with NSS, that's the whole purpose of doing a 1.1.18 at all, as the NSS 3.11.x used by SM 1.1.17 and lower allows SSL connections to be intercepted by third parties (so.called MITM attacks).

Also, I cannot figure how to reproduce this error. It happened once. I
fixed the problem by exiting SM and relaunching it.

Yes, that bug is filed, and not being able to consistently reproduce it is what makes it quite hard to find out what's the problem and possibly fix it.
See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=514838

Thanks Robert. We need to figure out how to reproduce it.

There might be clues from last night's incident. Before I went to https://webmail.earthlink.net/, I was trying to vote on http://ve3d.com/, but it gave me an error about not being able to write (cache related?). I didn't write the error down because I thought it was unrelated to SSL. I went to Webmail and it gave me that SSL error. I tried to repeat that, but failed. :(
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