Rufus wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Rufus wrote:
First and in general - I like it. But...

...have observed the following in about a hour of using SM 2.0 under OS
10.6.1 on a 3.06 GHz MacBook Pro with 4 Gig RAM:

1) SeaMonkey asks for the Master Password at startup even though I have
the Preference set to only ask at the first time it is needed - I'm not
using SSL, nor do I have SeaMonkey set to display Mail and
Newsgroups at

2) Holding down the Option key at launch does not bring up the Profile

3) Transfer of my previous SM 1.1.18 Profile information was incomplete
at launch of SM 2.0 - Bookmarks and Preference settings transferred
completely; Mail and Newsgroup server settings, Preferences, Folders,
saved mail, etc. transferred completely, but Newsgroup Subscriptions
were only displayed for one Server/Account - the last one in the
Accounts list. All files appeared in the proper locations in the new
Profile, but were only displayed for the last listed Server/Account.

4) Right click (cntrl+click) does not consistently bring up the
contextual menu for Task Bar options if I right click anywhere within
the Task Bar - I seem to have to right click below the address bar
within the Task Bar in order to bring up the contextual menu
consistently. This occurs when using the (new) default theme, and is
less annoying in the Mail and Newsgroup windows - probably because
is more area to click within (no address line). Clicks appear to be
ignored within the line where the window title appears, upon

5) If I customize the Toolbar for Mail and Newsgroups by adding the
Delete button, the button is hidden upon exit from Customize - again,
this is only true when using the default theme.

6) Bookmarks - I have a large collection of bookmarks, all nested in
folders. At the top of each folder there is now a grayed out entry
reading "(Empty)". But all of my bookmarks appear to have been
transferred from my previous 1.1.18 Profile.

7) I can't seem to find any indication/option for Tabbed Mail as
described in the Release Notes.

It works from here. If you have a Mighty Mouse, or another scroll wheel mouse, middle click on a message, and it will open in a new tab in Mail/News. With a one button mouse, try Control+Click and choose open in a new Tab form teh context menu.

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