JAS wrote:
I am using SM2 and have no problems with passwords, I have 11 accounts
and all load automatically. No problems at all. Using Walnut theme and
Win XP Pro.

Maybe I tried to condense too much and my meaning was lost on the way! I have no problem with the passwords themselves, just with the boxes in which I type them. Since I refuse to save my passwords, I have to type them the forst time I launch Mail every day. In the previous versions of SM, one password window would appear, I'd type my password, press enter and then the next window would appear. Lather, rince, repeat.

In 2.0, though, all the windows appear nonstop, one over another. That means that originally, I'd see the first window appear, start typing my password, but by the time I was done, several other windows had also appeared, successively stealing focus. Thus, my password was spread over several windows and by the time I pressed enter, I would always get a wrong password message (obviously).

So now, I simply wait until all the windows have appeared, then go through them one by one, having to click on the next one every time since focus doesn't get passed over. It's a very minor problem IMHO, but it's the only one I still have. I remember seing a bug for it since 2.0 was launched, but I can't seem to find it again.

I'm running on Win2K SP4 (and will hopefully get my new computer tomorrow—I'm keeping my fingers crossed!)

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