Robert Kaiser wrote:
Rufus wrote:
As I said, I'm an evaluator/manager - not a coder. I can give advise,
and I can manage...and coders can ignore me - like they do at work.

Hehe, now you admit you understand my part in all that somewhat after all. ;-)

I'm mostly a manager in what I'm doing as well, and a large part of our product has always come in from (to compare it to business) a third party of sorts (or different departments/divisions, if you will) so I also need to mostly swallow what they bring in when managing our team. And then this team has nobody at all who can be forced in any way to do anything, as there's nobody paid to work here. Fun times.

...meets spec, doesn't work...well, that's not in the contract...yeah, I've been there/done that. Constantly.

...and SM's user base is WAY larger than mine. I'd likely be a good beta
tester. That's about the best I can offer.

That's already a good start, and we welcome everybody who tests or Alpha and Beta releases and files bugs. There's as much guarantee that any developer listens to you than there is that he listens to me, as this is a volunteer open source project, and is in the end steered by those who do the actual work.

Robert Kaiser

That's where I guess I'm missing the boat - we at least have process control over how and what gets added/removed and when.

Being new the this fray, I'm not up on how you really manage configuration and content for SM. And I get really skeptical when I see "well, it looks better" in the bug threads - we fire people for doing stuff like that. But I guess when you go open, you're open to open revolt...

     - Rufus
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